
Florence Giry Agency

Literary agency

What's New?


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L'EDEN À L'AUBE by Karim Kattan


Selected for "Prix de la littérature arabe 2024" and Prix Renaudot
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24 Hours with Gaspar by Sabda Amandio

Seagull Books. All languages available (including English-language paperback) except Indonesian

24 Hours with Gaspar: An Indonesian film adaptation is now streaming globally on Netflix!
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Quand tu franchiras le fleuve by Hippolyte Leuridan-Dusser

Editions du Gros Caillou

To be published on 3rd October 2024 Pre-selected for the GRAND PRIX DES LECTRICES DE ELLE

Frankfurt Book Fair

I will attend from 15th to 18th October (collective French stand 5.0 D95)
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Shortlisted for the Gisèle Halimi Prize 2024 and winner of COMAR D'OR 2024 Prize


florence portrait

Depuis plus de 25 ans, je m’occupe de faire en sorte que des textes de fiction ou de non-fiction soient traduits dans différentes langues. J’aime que les idées et les histoires circulent d’un pays à l’autre, d’une culture à l’autre. J’ai créé cette agence afin de poursuivre une activité qui me passionne au service d’éditeurs indépendants, littéraires et engagés. Je suis aussi disponible pour une activité de conseil.

For over 25 years, I have been working to ensure that fiction and non-fiction texts are translated into different languages. I like to see ideas and stories travel from one country to another, from one culture to another. I set up this agency to pursue an activity that I am passionate about, serving independent, literary, and committed publishers. I am also available for consultancy.