320 pages. 2023. World rights available
New York, fin des années 70. La ville est sale, les immeubles délabrés, et il ne fait pas bon s’y promener seul après minuit, mais elle bouillonne de créativité. Les cinémas d’art et d’essai pullulent, les films au casting majoritairement noir connaissent leur âge d’or, et tous les espoirs d’une mixité harmonieuse semblent permis. C’est là que Paul, alias Pablo, fils d’un marchand de boutons juif, rêve de lancer sa carrière de cinéaste. Et que Jay Gladstone, promis à un avenir tout tracé dans l’immobilier, ambitionne de produire son premier long-métrage. Dans le rôle principal, Avery, comédienne afro-américaine qui voudrait devenir une star du grand écran. Un projet aussi ambitieux que fou, porté par l’enthousiasme de la jeunesse, qui pourrait bien rencontrer quelques obstacles…
Un roman drôle et nostalgique qui rend hommage à une ville et à une époque où les illusions n’étaient pas encore perdues.
Seth Greenland vit entre Los Angeles et New York, où il est scénariste pour le grand et le petit écran. Romancier, il est l’auteur de Mister Bones (2005), Un patron modèle (2008), Un bouddhiste en colère (2011), Et les regrets aussi (2016), Mécanique de la chute (2019) tous publiés chez Liana Levi. Quand il n’écrit pas, Seth Greenland fait de la randonnée, joue du piano, regarde des matchs de basket à la télé et essaie de méditer.
New York, end of the 70s. Paul, also known as Pablo, is in his mid- twenties and dreams of becoming a film-maker. Until something better comes along, he works as a film critic for a pornographic magazine. One night at a comedy club, he meets up with Jay Gladstone, a child- hood friend from a far more well-heeled family than his own. That evening, they also meet Avery, a brilliant African-American actress who dreams of breaking into the movies and with whom Jay immediately falls in love.Together, the two friends will do anything to produce and direct their first film. Jay hopes to ride the wave of blaxploitation and asks Pablo to write the script of a road movie, the story of a Jewish gangster on the run in a world where a mysterious virus has wiped out all the Whites, except him... Avery, of course, will play the female lead, and the famous comedian, Frank Bones, the leading man. But setting up a feature film production proves far more complicated than they thought...They’re forced to accept Russian mafia money to finance it, then little by little the filming turns into a fiasco. to the National Ass- sembly and take back control of the people’s voice.
Seth Greenland divides his time between Los Angeles and New York, where he works as a scriptwriter for both the big and small screens. A novelist, he has written five other novels including Mécanique de la chute (The Hazards of Good Fortune, Europa, 2019) which was enthusiastically received by the critics and nominated for the 2019 Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger. In this, his most recent novel, Seth Greenland pays homage to the city of New York and to that moment in life when all things seem possible.
“A brilliant and profound novel.” La Croix
“You can read everything by Seth Greenland.” - Nicolas Demorand, France Inter
Set at the end of the 70s in a New York fizzing with creativity, this wryly humorous novel follows the tribulations of aspiring young artists passionate about cinema, while dealing with questions regarding ethnicity, relations between Jews and African-Americans, love, friendship, and fate.